Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Tuesday morning

nice sweet morning. July in Athens gives you the best of the city. warm,barbarians are or preparing to hollidays,less traffic jam and time, a lot of time to think ,slower tempo .whole thing is in a good size.
Just want to go to my small atelier,drinking a cold frape and enjoying view.A slow tempo day --is a good day !


Anonymous said...

Well, we are all enjoying the lazy tempo of this city! Downtown Athens has always been a delight from late July until August 20th... then the buzz starts up again, the blood beats faster in the city's veins and all hell breaks loose on the streets!


Tuesday morning, I'm at work with Elli, who came for free Internet surfing ;))
and the building is empty... it's spooky!

Have fun with your blog!

Athena :)

Anonymous said...

i love your blog nico!!!

Elemmaciltur said...

You'll have to integrate Trackback on your blog...then Anina can start trackbacking to your blog! ;)

Anonymous said...

Good design!
[url=http://hgwgzgwf.com/ljdg/zncz.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://jjtwzprz.com/nzgg/ucxz.html]Cool site[/url]

Anonymous said...

Well done!
http://hgwgzgwf.com/ljdg/zncz.html | http://edfefmey.com/hxyn/schc.html