i just came back from another trip to Germany.I had a work and the chance to visit Leipzig the old "Deutschland's perle".
2007 and the city still is a melancholic architecture"s sample of East block city.Beautifull and cold,souless and religious,urban and rural,a city which is living beyond its people.Osties in 80s haircuts,punks with RB mood,tourists mainly from all around Germany staring to the Leipsig history as it has stopped after the war and b4 the russian influence started to mist everything.When i travel around i use to ask my self if i could live in that place..hm...easy to say about me and Leipsig ,the city isnt y place and i am not the man for the city.
neither am i ,
even thoygh they have a great
horseshow there.
hmm..horse show,i havent seen something like this..but u must be right.
my dearest Z
Νίκο μου, εσύ και την κρύα και γκρίζα πόλη με τις φωτογραφίες σου την κάνεις ενδιαφέρουσα.
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