Friday, April 06, 2007

Easter / Πασχα / Pasqua / Oster

easter time is ,for me ,the most beautifull and rich season of the year.smells of flowers ,church and religios stories , child"s time memories , the cold of the departing winter ,the warm springy sun ,the fast , makes it to look like a fresh wind in our lives.and we wait ,we expect it .


Anonymous said...

Νίκο μου, ποια είναι η συκιά;; Νομίζω την αγαπώ

Nikos Chrisikakis said...

@anonymous : and who u are?

Anonymous said...

enas thaumastis tis sikias!

Anonymous said...

enas thaumastis tis sikias!

candyblue said...

toses omorfes fvtografies
kapoio fysiko h xhmiko fenomeno lamvanei xwra!

candyblue said...

το συννεφάκι εκεί πάνω είναι δικό μου
το σύννεφο νούμερο 9
Με βλέπεις καθόλου πάνω του;

Nikos Chrisikakis said...

@candyblue: to hksera oti hsoun esy.