Thursday, May 03, 2007

Athens & fullmoon & dusklight & me staring..

A lot of moaning about Athens ,a lot of saying about bad air pollution and how tha city has changed to the worst and how the living gets every year harder... etc.
Despite all these , Athens is my city ,here is my birth place ,here are some of my best friends and here is my nest where i come
and i find streets i know , road corners i v been walking and some faces from my past.
Yesterday ,fullmoon, thought : how nice is still my city,even not perfect even worst from some points ,but how happy makes me to stare to the ugly buidings ,to Ymittos mountain to this massive urban scene and the moon to come to torch my silence .
It became easier to moan about Athens than to enjoy what gives us...and by the end of the day i cant refuse my place ,its easier to accept and look straight and enjoy..


Anonymous said...

Με τέτοια λάμψη η πόλη μοιάζει μαγική. Είθε να υπάρξουν και άλλες νύχτες όπως αυτή. Υγρές και ταξιδιάρικες.

Anonymous said...

nice photo Niko! Perimenw kai apo Tino!

Nikolaos Kakavoulis said...

I Athina mas einai sta kalutera tis. I Athina tou 70 kai tou 80 itan mia toksiki vroxi - kai tou 90 ena ergotaksio - kai prin apo auta ta xronia eixe oso romantismo exei ena mikro xorio. Akoma kai sta teli tou '60 to posimo nero itan sxetiko kai i pentelis xomatodromos. Kai nai einai omorfes oi glusines oxi omos otan kaluptoun ta xamospita. Nikos - NYC

Nikolaos Kakavoulis said...

nik - an itan aplo kai katanoito den tha me plironan gia na grafo HAHA :P

Nikolaos Kakavoulis said...

i m just teasing ya
when u coming to NYC?